Real Property Management One Source

How to Build a Balcony Garden

If your Frisco rental house has a balcony or patio though not much yard space, you can still gratify your green thumb and grow your very own garden. A balcony garden can be a nice area for renters to be happy and relaxed with the beauty of nature – with or without a yard! With some creative ideas, various expert tips, and a bit of organizing, you can make your balcony or patio into a beautiful area you’ll take pleasure in from one season to the next.

Choose Containers

One of the most straightforward ways to start a balcony garden is to obtain a large freestanding container, window planter, or railing planter. Conditional on how large your balcony is and whether you’re authorized to hang containers on the railing, you can easily start with a container or two and then expand your garden from there.

Potted Perfection

Another course of action for your balcony garden is to put to use lots of pots in various sizes. Group pots together to put together fascinating greenery displays, employ plant stands, or line them up along a wall or railing to surround yourself with color. For a yet more colorful experience, choose pots in a range of different colors or styles to enliven your space. There’s really no wrong way to use pots to grow a garden right on your balcony!

Balcony Blooms

If you have a favorite flower or color, look into planting multiples of these plants in several pots or containers on your balcony. Take one example, have you always enjoyed a rose garden? Lots of types of roses work well in pots and containers and can produce attractive blooms all season long.

Go Vertical

If your balcony is on the small side, consider employing the vertical space you have at hand to form a garden oasis. Hanging planters are a good means to add color and greenery at eye level. Or, purchase particular tiered plant stands to produce a multi-level display for your garden plants.

Make Watering a Snap

Disregarding how you arrange your balcony garden, you’ll want to have a suitable plan to keep your plants growing by watering them frequently. If your garden has quite a lot of plants, think about getting a large watering can or even an uncomplicated drip system. This can actually help to make watering your plants more efficient and more effective.

Add Extra Shade

If you have a sunny balcony, take into consideration adding additional shade for plants that can wilt in extreme heat. All plants demand sunshine to develop and grow but take note, too much sun can burn foliage and even kill young plants. Try adding a beautiful lattice or sunshade to make your balcony garden cool even in the hottest part of the day.

With various supplies and many good ideas, you can bring on a gorgeous balcony garden that will definitely compliment your rental house!


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